Client Stories

Here's what our clients are saying:

“Do it! Don't let nagging injuries rob you of enjoying what you love to do.

I liked how much information was gathered regarding my issues, goals and interests as well as how much time I could commit daily. The resulting program was completely personalized to me and evolved and adjusted over the weeks as I progressed. I can continue to use the program to keep gaining strength or I can back track to earlier segments if life throws me a set back. The weekly meetings helped me stay on track and develop a consistant mobility routine time.”

-Suzy A.

“Carissa went above and beyond my expectations helping with a big lead fall, challenges with my prosthetic leg, and helped me create a simple journal recording training and food intake… I liked (having) an organized training regimen. Carissa has a great balance of pushing and allowing flexibility for life.”

-Todd M.

“Started climbing later in life, a few years after I really started feeling my age. Climbing had become my exercise routine, as I was never one for gym workouts. Going into my 5th climbing season, as my physical ability started to plateau so did my confidence lead climbing. Injury and longer heeling times were becoming more of a concern. I needed some help. I was given an Upward Mobility Fitness’ business card at the Bozeman Ice Festival and immediately knew were to go for that help. Knowing I was working with someone so knowledgeable and stoked to help was really the first step in getting my mental game back on track. Will not hesitate to call Upward Mobility in the future should I feel the need.”

-Wayne W.

“Upward Mobility prepared me for a week long ski vacation with my family. As an older adult, she analyzed my fitness needs and prepared a very detailed plan to prep me for our adventure. I'm happy to say that I not only kept up with my family, but I was one of the last skiers to get off the hill at the end of the day.”

-Carolyn A.

What result(s) are you most proud of achieving during your time with Upward Mobility Fitness?

“DEADLIFTS BABYYYYYYYYYYY. And being able to run (even if ever so slowly) again! I never thought I'd be able to run again without being in agonizing pain. I uploaded a photo of me at the top of Triple Tree on a recent run!”


“I am so thankful for Carissa’s workout plan! It will help me reach my fitness goals and become stronger. She did a wonderful job of listening to my needs and wants and creating a workout plan that works for me.”

-Lindsay S.

“Carissa designed a strength training program for me to get in tip top shape for my Wedding day! I've always been into running, but I've never known much about strength training. She designed a plan that mixed in strength and running. I absolutely loved it! After my wedding day, I then made it a goal to run a 10k Turkey Trot and she designed a running plan for me as well. She was super helpful and always checked in on me. We would virtually meet every two weeks to discuss how everything was going. Carissa was very flexible and worked around my schedule.

She always answered every question I had and I just loved having her as a coach! I would absolutely recommend Upward Mobility Fitness to anybody looking to develop a healthier life style!”

-Elana D.

“Carissa at Upward Mobility Fitness helped make training healthy and fun again! Not only did I gain in my physical fitness but I learned how to develop a positive, sustainable mindset towards working out in general. Carissa has equipped me with the knowledge to engage in an active lifestyle for the rest of my life. So thankful for this great service!”

-Evan F.